
Hi, I'm MalekBenz. I author this blog, I'm FullStack Developer, create courses & love learning, writing, teaching technology. ( Javascript, C#, ASP.NET , NodeJS, SQL Server )

Build A Simple Web API With Expressjs and AngularJS

01 Sep 2016

  • Category:Asp.Net
  • tags:Nodejs, Express, WebAPI, and Angular
  • Time:01 Sep 2016

In this post we will use Expressjs framework to create Web API that return list of student, and we’ll consume it using AngularJs.

In order to install Nodejs you can see Install & run your first application Nodejs.

In order to install Express you can see First web api application with Express Js.

Create Express application

Install express:

    $ npm install express

Create Student Web API:

Create app.js file:

    var express = require('express');
    var app = express();

    var students = [

        { id: 1, name: "James Soup", age: 21 },
        { id: 2, name: "Humain yo", age: 20 },
        { id: 3, name: "Hammer tomms", age: 22 }

    app.get('/api/student', function (req, res) {

    app.get('/api/student/:id', function (req, res) {
        var id = * 1; // convert to number

        var student = students[id - 1];
        if (student) {
        else {
            res.status(404).send('Sorry, we cannot find that student!');
    app.listen(3000, function () {
        console.log('Student Api listening on http://localhost:3000!');


We create a array that store list of Students.

We defines two Get response that return Students:

‘app.get(‘/api/student’)’ method returns the entire list of students.

‘app.get(‘/api/student/:id’)’ method looks up a single student by its id.

That’s it! You have a working web API. Run the app:

$ node app.js

Load http://localhost:3000/student in a browser to see the output.


Load http://localhost:3000/student/1 in a browser to see the output.


We got ‘404 error’ If the student doesn’t exist:

Load http://localhost:3000/student/5 in a browser to see the output.


Calling the Web API with Angular

We’ll add an HTML page that uses AJAX to call the web API. We’ll use AngularJS to make the AJAX calls using $http module and also to update the page with the results.

But in order to be able to serve our html file we must add express.static Middleware let’s do it.

Configure a express.static to server index.html

Update the app.js file to add express.static:

    app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/www'));


Create index.html

Create www directory, then add index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Student application Angular Js</title>

<body ng-app="studentApp">

    <div ng-controller="studentCtrl">
                <li ng-repeat="student in students">  :  </li>
            <h2>Search by ID</h2>
            <input type="text" ng-model="id" size="5" />
            <input type="button" value="Search" ng-click="find(id)" />


    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/studentApp.js"></script>




Now add studentApp.js file:

var uri = 'api/student/';

var app = angular.module("studentApp", []);

app.controller("studentCtrl", studentCtrl);

function studentCtrl($scope, $http) {

    $http.get(uri).then( getAll, fail);

    $scope.find = find;

    function find(id) {
        $http.get(uri + id).then(getStudent, fail);

    function getAll(result) {
        $scope.students =;

    function getStudent(result) {
        $scope.result = + ': ' +;

    function fail(error) {
        $scope.result =;



Getting a List of students

To get a list of students, send an HTTP GET request to “/api/student”.

The $http get function sends an AJAX request. For response contains array of JSON objects. The then function specifies a callback that is called if the request succeeds.

    $http.get(uri).then( getAll, fail);

    function getAll(result) {
            $scope.students =;

    function fail(error) {
        $scope.result =;

Getting a student By ID

To get a student by ID, send anHTTP GET request to /api/student/id, where id is the student ID.

    function find(id) {
        $http.get(uri + id).then(getStudent, fail);

    function getStudent(result) {
        $scope.result = + ': ' +;

    function fail(error) {
        $scope.result =;

Running the Application

Run the app:

    $ node app.js

Load http://localhost:3000/ in a browser to see the output.


Search for a student with Id 01.


Search for a student with Id 05.


You can get the code source on

Build Student WebAPI Application with Expressjs and AnguarJs.